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Rachelle Chandler
Wild One
Oct 15, 2023
In Homework
Homework: Pray for healing for three people I prayed for a few people, I can’t remember everyone. My daughter’s jaw was hurting and swollen, we prayed for her and did deliverance as well. We saw some breakthrough initially, but it came back later. Prayed for Chelsea’s head and it came against witchcraft and it lifted. Another day I prayed for Chelsea’s ear and she said it felt better afterward. I prayed for a Walmart greeter that had a walker. He was fine until I mentioned praying and then he got guarded but said I could pray, while continuing to walk away from me. I walked a few steps and prayed for healing over his whole back in Jesus’ name. He stiffened up a little, said a curt thank you and shuffled away. I know we all want those lightening-from-heaven interactions where instant miraculous healings take place, but the reality is, it might not always look like that. It might not look like much of anything at all is happening, but that doesn't mean God isn't doing something. We walk by faith, not feelings. For every awesome healing story, there can be dozens or even hundreds where it didn’t look or feel like much happened in the moment, but again that doesn’t mean it was fruitless. Keep being faithful and putting yourself out there, pray as the Spirit leads, humble yourself and keep learning and you will see more and more breakthrough in your obedience.
Rachelle Chandler
Wild One
Oct 15, 2023
In Homework
"Homework: If you could walk in whichever gift you desire, what would it be? Let us know in the Homework section of the forum." I want to see more breakthrough in healing, words of knowledge and discerning of spirits. Also for quicker deliverances and increased wisdom. Let’s be honest though, there’s not a single thing God has that I don’t want to walk in.

Rachelle Chandler

Wild One
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